miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2020

Why did you choose this career/study programme?

When I was little I dreamed of being like the forensics of CSI New York.
Then I was a little older, social inequalities began to annoy me, I needed to have tools that allow me to take charge of them, so I thought about studying something related to that.
The career options that I had at the time of applying to the university were social work and pedagogy in history, both majors I liked for their social role that you can develop.
The truth is that I did not decide, I left it up to the demre, because I had the score for both races.
My experience at the university has been good, the environment is pleasant, there is a lot of mutual support in my generation, the only bad thing is that there are teachers who forget their social role, and give greater importance to the academy.

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Post 5

  The blog link is https://epistemologias.com/ On this site it was made by a social work teacher, with two of her assistants, there you will...